*Check for availability and Position
Price is Open rate per 25,000 copies weekly. Depending availability
Price is Open rate per 25,000 copies weekly. Depending on availability.
Price is Open rate per 25,000 copies weekly. Depending on availability.
Price is Open rate per 25,000 copies weekly. Depending on availability.
Price is Open rate per 25,000 copies weekly. Depending on availability.
Price per week. Stapled in the center of the magazine. Printed both sides.- Per area- 25,000 Copies
Price per week. Stapled in the center of the magazine. Printed both sides.- Per area- 25,000 Copies
Price per week. Not stapled. In the center of the magazine. $47 per thousand (10,000 minimum)
Price per week. Not stapled. In the center of the magazine. $47 per thousand (10,000 minimum)
Price per week. Printed both sides stapled on front cover
Price per week. Minimum 150,000